姓 名:彭奇
职 称:副高
研究方向 土木建筑与环境学院 工程力学专业 工程/固体力学方向
主讲课程 1. 理论力学
2. 弹性力学
科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金-青年项目,变磁形状记忆合金热-力-磁强耦合行为的多尺度数值建模与仿真分析,纵向科研项目,2019/01–2021/12,主持。
2. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,铁磁性形状记忆合金的多场多尺度力学问题研究,纵向科研项目,10万,2017/01-2018/12,主持。
科研成果 1. Qi Peng, Jiahui Chen, Ke Ni, Ze Liu*, Long-Qing Chen, Zhengzhi Wang*, Analytical 3D model for coupled magneto-mechanical behaviors of ferromagnetic shape memory alloy, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 289 (2024) 112619.
2. K. Xie#, Q. Peng#, Y. Li*, C. Tan, Poling lead zirconate titanate ceramics with the assistance of stress, Ceramics International, 49 (2023) 13339-13346.
3. Y. Kang, Y. Wu, Y. Pan, Q. Peng*, Z. Liu*, Mold filling dynamics of thermoplastic forming of bulk metallic glass MEMS parts: Numerical simulation and comparisons with experiment, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 347 (2022) 113968.
4. K. Ni#, Q. Peng#, E. Gao#, K. Wang, Q. Shao, H. Huang, L. Xue, Z. Wang*, Core-Shell Magnetic Micropillars for Reprogrammable Actuation. ACS Nano, 15 (2021) 4747-4758.
5. Q. Peng, Y. Xie, B. Zhu, W. Chen, J. Schroers, M. Chen, Z. Liu*, Joining mechanism of bulk metallic glasses in their supercooled liquid region, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 279 (2020) 116583.
6. C. Meng, Z. Tang, M. Chen, Q. Peng*, Return mapping algorithm in principal space for general isotropic elastoplasticity involving multi-surface plasticity and combined isotropic-kinematic hardening within finite deformation framework, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 150 (2018) 1-19.
7. Q. Peng, J. Huang, M. Chen, Q. Sun*, Phase-field simulation of magnetic hysteresis and mechanically induced remanent magnetization rotation in Ni-Mn-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloy, Scripta Materialia, 127 (2017) 49-53.